Our Barry County Substance Abuse Task Force hosts two annual medicine take-back community events (each Fall and Spring). In addition to our annual events, Barry County also has 5 permanent medicine disposal sites for collecting ALL medications. For non-controlled medication, Barry County offers local pharamcies that provide proper disposal. Disposing of your medicines at one of these locations or during one of these events will ensure that your medicines will not be stolen from the garbage, will not enter our environment and will eliminate the potential for abuse and overdose at home.
The SATF and Hastings City Police also hosts two DEA Drug Take Back days each year at Walgreens in Hastings. Go to https://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/drug_disposal/takeback/ for more information on upcoming DEA Take Back days and times.
We have partnered with SafeMeds, formerly West Michigan Take Back Meds, in a joint effort to provide local residents with safe, convenient access to proper medicine disposal. Learn about safe disposal, additional disposal locations and maps to our local Barry County disposal locations.
Barry County Sheriff Department
Times: Available 24/7
1212 W. State Street, Hastings, MI 49058
City of Hastings Police Department
Times: Mon.-Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
201 E. State Street, Hastings, MI 49058
Barry County Sheriff Dept. Middleville Unit
Times: Mon.-Friday, 9:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
100 E. Main Street, Middleville, MI 49333
Barry Township Police Department
Times: Mon.-Friday, 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
11300 S. M-43 Hwy, Delton, MI 49346
City of Nashville Police Department
Times: Mon.-Friday, 9:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
208 N Main Street, Nashville, MI 49073
*Law Enforcement Drop-Boxes: A drop box is a secure box for the safe disposal of expired or leftover medicine, including controlled substances. As part of the our Take Back Meds Program, local law enforcenment agencies are accepting unwanted medications through use of a drop box. This also includes medications that the DEA considers controlled substances.
Disposing of your medicines at one of these locations will ensure that your medicines will not be stolen from the garbage and will not enter our environment. A secure drop-off box is located at each of these Barry County sites.
Delton Family Pharmacy
338 N. Grove Street
Delton, MI 49046
Hastings Pharmacy
400 W. State Street
Hastings, MI 49058
Maple Valley Pharmacy
219 Main Street
Nashville, MI 49073
Gun Lake Pharmacy (Inside Town & Country)
71 124th Avenue
Shelbyville, MI 49344