About Us

Barry County Substance Abuse Task Force

  • The mission of the Barry County Substance Abuse Task Force is to work together to promote a healthier and safer community for all people in Barry County.

Working With You

Our Task Force is a community coalition that prevents substance abuse in Barry County. Over 30 members work together to address the problems and issues that substance abuse causes, while also collaborating to bring change to how our residents think and behave in everyday situations. SATF membership is strong and dedicated with representation from law enforcement to parents and health and human service agencies.

Become A Partner

An SATF partnership is a collaborative effort to restructure how mental health and substance use disorder services are delivered locally. The Partnership's efforts are directed at finding ways to better meet the needs of Barry County residents affected by addictive disorders, alcohol abuse and mental illness.

Partnership Application

Our History

In 2004, a group of dedicated, hard-working, busy people came together to find solutions to the methamphetamine epidemic. Everyone wanted action — and no one wanted meth and its horrible problems. Together, a plan was made and projects implemented to change what was happening in our county. Strange and new partnerships formed. Farmers talked with police officers, who worked with CPS workers, who partnered with school administration, who talked with firefighters, who worked side by side with health department workers — and everyone worked together to spread the same messages about methamphetamine awareness and prevention.

Out of something horrible, something wonderful was born. Instead of blaming someone else, people and agencies helped each other. Over 3500 county residents participated in meth awareness trainings and SATF members impacted their community in positive ways.

Our Grants

2023:Partnership For Success grant from SAMHSA. This grant allows the SATF to continue building strong partnerships and interventions in the community to improve behavioral health in our community, especially with underserved populations.

2021-2018:CARA (Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act) Grant. This federal grant allows the SATF to strengthen prevention initiatives in Barry County and respond to the opioid crisis at a local level.

2019-2009: DFC Funding. We were proud to receive the Drug Free Community Grant, a competitive grant awarded to local substance use prevention coalitions.

2012: STOP Act Grant

In 2012, SATF members applied for and received the STOP Act Grant to prevent and reduce alcohol use among youth age 12-20 throughout Barry County, Michigan.

2009: Drug Free Communities Grant

In 2009, SATF members applied for and received the prestigious Drug Free Communities Grant — which allows the SATF to continue the good work of prevention today.

2007: Purpose Expansion

In 2007, SATF expanded its purpose to include alcohol and other drugs, and the wonderful work continued.



Community Survey

MiPHY Report

Barry County Underage Drinking Mailer

Barry County Opioid Surveillance Data
*For any questions on the Opioid Surveillance Data, please contact Chris Chesla-Hughes, Health Analyst at Barry Eaton District Health Department at 517-541-2652 or chughes@bedhd.org

  • Our monthly meetings are open to the public and we would love your help!
    Meetings are held every 4th Monday of the month, 9:00 am. Now offering hybrid meetings, in-person and Zoom Options. To join us virtually, please call 269-948-8041 for Zoom registration information.


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